Pièces Uniques SS24 - Première Fois 

FW24/25 «J’AIME PAS L’ÉCOLE» pt.2, a collection inspired by schools from around the world. Edmond Luu went back to his kindergarten and secondary school, looked at photos of his mother’s childhood in Vietnam and got inspired by her uniform, and all the memories engraved from school years.

Edmond has always idolised school uniforms in mangafilm and series: cheerleaders, American football players and pupils. His work revolves around a number of archetypes, ranging from the Saifuku, the Japanese yankee, the american students, the britsh uniforms, etc.

«J’AIME PAS L’ÉCOLE» pt.2 is a paradoxical collection, a collection that reminds us of the sweet moments of friendship and love during teenage years, the time you fasconate your identity, your personality and style, the moment where you are discover yourself.

This design set is a tribute to the soulful moment shared with your first friends, your first love.