Pièces Uniques SS24 "J'aime pas l'école"

Discover PIÈCES UNIQUES, SS24 «J’AIME PAS L’ÉCOLE». The collection takes inspiration on Edmond's kindergarten and secondary school in the suburbs, photos of his mother wearing her uniform when she was a schoolgirl in Vietnam,

Edmond has always idolized school uniforms in manga, cheerleaders, American football teams and pupils in British series such as Skins or Misfit. His work revolves around a number of archetypes, ranging from the Saifuku, the Japanese yankee, the crazy teacher, the nerd and the Prom guy.

«J’AIME PAS L’ÉCOLE» is a paradoxical collection, a collection that reminds us of the sweet moments of friendship and love during adolescence, the time when you build your identity, your way of dressing and your personality, the period when you are looking for yourself and testing things.

This design set is a tribute to the classroom and the jokes you can play on your friends at school.